Drug & Alcohol Testing

Whether pre-employment, court ordered, reasonable suspicion or by parents for children drug testing can be performed for a variety of reasons. River Valley Drug Testing and Supplies can assist you with all your drug testing needs. We work with both D.O.T-regulated and non-regulated businesses, health care agencies, non-profits, athletics associations and parents.

Workplace Drug Testing

Did you know:

  • 75% of all drug abusers over the age of 18 are employed
  • 80% of them steal from their employers
  • 65% of all work related accidents are due to their drug use

You must not assume the employees in your organization are immune to the problem of drug and alcohol abuse. [sw-field var=’sw_company_name’] will help you implement an drug testing program in your workplace. Our drug testing services include:

  • Pre-Employment Drug Testing
  • Random Drug Testing
  • Post-Accident Drug Testing
  • Drug-Free Workplace Programs

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Home Drug Testing

Teen drug testing can be ordered by parents who suspect their kids are using drugs or it can be used as a preventative measure. Our Home drug testing kit is easy to use by parents in the home with instant results.
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